Friday, July 07, 2006
Typo's SUCK!
Typo's Suck!
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Well lets see...I was suppose to start my new job with (Insert call centers name here) on Monday the 10th..or atleast that is what I was told. Until that time I had a temporary job lined up til Friday. I thought that I had everything under control....hahahahah..*grins*.
I come home from working at the temp job, and decide to read through some paperwork that I am suppose to bring with me on Monday. The first sheet is a welcome letter reminding me of the date, time, address and phone numbers should I need them along with a list of things to bring with me to the orientation. I read over the orientation information, and think Monday July 10th "check", 8am "check", at (insert address here) "check", bring yadda yadda yadda "check". The next thing it talks about is Training....Ok ....I didnt see this before I read. Thursday July 6th..."Cheee...." OH CRAP! I immediatly feel like a dunce and try to call the numbers on the paper, because the lady had told me July 10th on the phone...that I am sure of. No answer at either number, its to late. Well I figure, I have no choice. It says July 6th....this is a very large corperation...they must mean July 6th. So I called and flaked out on the temp assignment I was doing and called up fiance to explain what had happened and let him know I was no my way up to his house. (He lives 13 min from where I will be working, I live an hour away). I hastily do a couple loads of laundry, throw the last load into a black bag to dry at his house, get into my car and rush up here. We get up at 4:30a this morning, I get dressed, and rush down there. It takes me about 30 min. to finially get conformation that it was a typo and I don't need to be there until July 10th, and my soon to be supervisor said she has no idea why they sent that erronious information. *sighs* And I all I can think is there is 200 dollars down the drain that I really could have used. Not to mention my fiance, being the adorable sweetie he is, didnt really sleep last night because he was afraid of us not hearing the alarm and me being late.
To top it off....before I even realized what I was doing I gave into my compulsion. I stopped by the store and got a french toast/suasage saundwich, and apple pie and some milk. Not to bad I guess..but still not to good. Oh well, I will work on it. Maybe we will go swimming later.
I did good for dinner though. I got a chicken sandwich with fries, and thats it. And I even split the fries.

Going to say goodbye for now...
posted by Ramona @ 11:29 AM  
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