Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Good Morning :)

Well work didnt go badly yesterday though after working graveyards, checkout seemed so busy *LOL* I got home and was irked a little. After walking through the door and saying hello to the roomies, I noticed they were engrossed with whatever they were doing on thier computers. This is fine, considering its not uncommon for me to be doing the same thing. However, at this time my computer is confined to the bedroom becuase that is the only place for the huge monitor that I am using since my laptop screen when out. So, as not to keep bugging them by trying to get them to talk when they obviously had something else on thier mind I turned on the tv. I was promptly told by Male (roomie) that they had been sitting there for two hours enjoying the silence and wanted to keep it that way. I laughed thinking he was just teasing me, but then Female (roomie) spoke up and said she agreed so I turned it back off and set down for a few minutes, trying the conversation thing again. Didnt I picked a movie to come watch in my room and got this look from Female like I was being very antisocial. *sighs*

Well anyway, I came in my room and put on "Spaceballs". I LOVE that movie. And I spent the evening talking with Brian, wich always makes things better. When, the Female came running in and told me that the Male had broken the water spicket outside so we had to turn off the water to the house *LOL* He had taken the hose up onto the roof to work on the a/c and pulled on it wrong and broke the water spicket and water was going everywhere. *LOL* I go out there to look and he has the radio in the living room on...loud. That hurt me a little, I guess going to my room is what they wanted me to do in the first place. But anyway. On a positive note (trying to see the silver lining thing againg) I got to spend several hours with Brian. We talked a lot about what we hope to do and even set a date for Sunday :) I am really looking forward to that.

I also heard my brother is in jail :( *sighs* Well hopefully this is the last time.

Man my emotions were all over the board. I guess blogging realy does help you see more of yourself.

Going to go exercise now...later
posted by Ramona @ 9:29 AM  
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